Microsoft Exchange: Increase Maximum Message Size to 100 MB

Sometimes, the default maximum message size (including attachments) in Exchange is not enough (30 MB is the standard). To increase this to 100 MB, do the following: First check the current maximum size on all relevant Exchange components: Get-TransportConfig | ft MaxSendSize, MaxReceiveSize Get-ReceiveConnector | ft Name, MaxmessageSize Get-SendConnector | ft Name, MaxMessageSize Get-Mailbox Administrator |ft Name, MaxsendSize, MaxReceiveSize Then set it to 100 MB for all components: Set-TransportConfig Read more [...]

Windows 10: Top Part of Maximized Window is not Visible

I have rarely the issue that all of a sudden, on some programs (for example Edge and Firefox) I can't see the top part of the Window anymore. Preconditions for this to happen: Multi screen (does never happen on single screen setups) Happens only on the primary screen Only when application is maximised Only some applications are affected, not all (Microsoft Office apps are never affected): File Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Notepad and many others What does not help: Minimizing Read more [...]

Outlook: Prevent Office 365 Login Prompts

Sometimes, it happens in my Outlook 2019 (connected to on-premise Exchange 2019), that I get an Office 365 Login prompt (although I do not have an Office 365 Account). This might happen if the on-premise Exchange server is not reachable or too slow to respond. To prevent this from happening, you can disable the Office 365 autodiscover via Registry. Just add the following key to the Windows Registry of the PC with the Outlook client: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint Read more [...]

Azure: What are Subscriptions

Azure Subscriptions are containers that hold your Resource Groups (RGs) and with that your Resources. It might make sense to have multiple subcriptions for separation of billing or management. You can have multiple Subscriptions trust the same Azure Active Directory (AAD) Each Subscription can only trust a single directory Billing is done per subscription Resources can be moved from one Subscription to another if both Subscriptions are in the same AAD Tenant Read more [...]

Azure: What are Resource Groups

I am just diving into the world of the Cloud and I am getting to know Azure. I will write a couple of Blog posts on some basics of Azure. I will start with "Resource Groups" in Azure. Resource Groups (RGs) are not really groups, they are containers. You can compare them to OUs (Organisational Units) in Active Directory, for example. The contain Azure Resources (e.g. Storage, VMs, VLANs etc.). As RGs are containers, this means the following: A Resource must be member of a Resource Group, it Read more [...]

Firefox: Disable Mega Bar

In Firefox 77 and newer, Mozilla has introduced an "enhanced" URL bar, called "Mega Bar". As soon as you click on it or it gets the focus, it pops out and gets bigger. It also creates a drop-down list with your last searches, the sites you last visited and search suggestions. To many people, this is a big mess and they would like to disable it. Here is how to do it: Type about:config in the URL bar. Accept the warning message. Paste the following string into the config search: browser.urlbar.disableExtendForTests Click Read more [...]

Windows: Download Adobe CS6 Master Collection

Unfortunately, Adobe is pushing hard to their Cloud Suite (Creative Cloud) and has disabled all download links to their CS6 suite. After some searching, I found the following 2 links still working (as of May 2020): Installer: Installation data: Read more [...]

IIS: Error 503 on port 80

On an IIS server, with a simple static web page, I constantly got: HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable I did not get any entry in the IIS logs and when stopping the respective app pool, I got the same message. There was definitely no port conflict as I checked with TCPView if any other process was using port 80. After a while I tried to change the binding to port 81. And - bingo - , on port 81, the web site worked. After digging for a while, I found that port 80 had an "ACL reservation". Read more [...]

Windows: Remove and disable SMBv1

Due to the inherent security risks exposed by the nearly 30-year old SMBv1 protocol, it is advised that it be disabled on the network to migigate security risks from malware and targeted attacks. As the SMBv1 vulnerabilities are publicly exploited, I recommend to uninstall and disable it completely from all Windows 2012 R2 servers and newer. I have not seen anything break, so it is quite safe to disable and uninstall. The easiest is to do this with PowerShell (Windows 2012 R2 and newer): Check Read more [...]

Windows: How to check and set Symlink Permissions

If you have clicked on a Symbolic Link (SymLink) in Windows and got the following error message:

"The symbolic link cannot be followed, because its type is disabled"

You can check what SymLink Types are allowed by using the following command:

fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation

If you need to change this, so you don't get the error, you can run:

fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation R2R:1 R2L:1

My experience with servers, networks and gadgets.