Windows: Shared Printers Cannot be Installed after the September 2021 Windows Update

After the September 2021 Windows Update, non-administrator users will no longer be able to add remote printers without an elevation of privilege to administrator. To allow normal users to add remote printers (hosted on a print server), you can now add the following Registry value on the client: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators = 0 (DWORD 32) No restart of the client is needed. If things still do Read more [...]

Windows: Shared Printer Cannot Be Added (Error 740)

When logged in as Administrator in a Windows 10 or 11 machine, when you try to add a shared printer, you get the error: That didn't work. We can't install this printer right now. Try again later or contact your network administrator for help. Error: #740. The underlying problem is this: Error 740 means: "The requested operation requires elevation". This is a problem as you are already logged in as Administrator. So the solution is to start the "Add Printer Wizard" as Administrator. To do this: Read more [...]

Microsoft Exchange 2019: Search Results are Incomplete on Server

With Exchange 2019, Microsoft has introduced a new search engine: BigFunnel. This is the same engine that is used in Bing and in Exchange Online. Unfortunately, sometimes, the search results are incomplete. While this might have different reasons, I am just looking at one prticular case here: Incomplete search results are happening on OWA, i.e. this is an issue on the server, not on Outlook (the client) The number of missing emails from the search results is visible in "BigFunnelNotIndexedCount" Read more [...]

LetsEncrypt: Root Certificate Expires 30-Sep-2021

The LetsEncrypt Root Certificate (DST Root CA X3) will expire on 30-Sep-2021. While there is a new Root Certificate available for a while, some devices and browsers might show an error after that date as they might not have got the new Root Certificate. Here is the simplified overview: Old LetsEncrypt chain: DST Root CA X3 : Expires 30-Sep-2021 R3 (Intermediate): Expires 29-Sep-2021 New LetsEncrypt chain: ISRG Root X1 : Expires 04-Jun 2035 R3 (Intermediate): Expires 15-Sep 2025 If Read more [...]

Microsoft Exchange: Increase Maximum Message Size to 100 MB

Sometimes, the default maximum message size (including attachments) in Exchange is not enough (30 MB is the standard). To increase this to 100 MB, do the following: First check the current maximum size on all relevant Exchange components: Get-TransportConfig | ft MaxSendSize, MaxReceiveSize Get-ReceiveConnector | ft Name, MaxmessageSize Get-SendConnector | ft Name, MaxMessageSize Get-Mailbox Administrator |ft Name, MaxsendSize, MaxReceiveSize Then set it to 100 MB for all components: Set-TransportConfig Read more [...]

Windows 10: Top Part of Maximized Window is not Visible

I have rarely the issue that all of a sudden, on some programs (for example Edge and Firefox) I can't see the top part of the Window anymore. Preconditions for this to happen: Multi screen (does never happen on single screen setups) Happens only on the primary screen Only when application is maximised Only some applications are affected, not all (Microsoft Office apps are never affected): File Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Notepad and many others What does not help: Minimizing Read more [...]

Outlook: Prevent Office 365 Login Prompts

Sometimes, it happens in my Outlook 2019 (connected to on-premise Exchange 2019), that I get an Office 365 Login prompt (although I do not have an Office 365 Account). This might happen if the on-premise Exchange server is not reachable or too slow to respond. To prevent this from happening, you can disable the Office 365 autodiscover via Registry. Just add the following key to the Windows Registry of the PC with the Outlook client: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover ExcludeExplicitO365Endpoint Read more [...]

Azure: What are Subscriptions

Azure Subscriptions are containers that hold your Resource Groups (RGs) and with that your Resources. It might make sense to have multiple subcriptions for separation of billing or management. You can have multiple Subscriptions trust the same Azure Active Directory (AAD) Each Subscription can only trust a single directory Billing is done per subscription Resources can be moved from one Subscription to another if both Subscriptions are in the same AAD Tenant Read more [...]

Azure: What are Resource Groups

I am just diving into the world of the Cloud and I am getting to know Azure. I will write a couple of Blog posts on some basics of Azure. I will start with "Resource Groups" in Azure. Resource Groups (RGs) are not really groups, they are containers. You can compare them to OUs (Organisational Units) in Active Directory, for example. The contain Azure Resources (e.g. Storage, VMs, VLANs etc.). As RGs are containers, this means the following: A Resource must be member of a Resource Group, it Read more [...]

My experience with servers, networks and gadgets.