SPN means "Service Principal Name". In Active Directory you can set an SPN with the command line tool SETSPN. Find below some usage examples which I use often:
setspn -Q http/www.mywebsite.com ==> Check if the SPN "http/www.mywebsite.com" exists
setspn -L MyServer ==> Show all SPNs for MyServer
setspn -X ==> Search for duplicate SPNs in the current domain
setspn -S http/www.mywebsite.com MyServer ==> Set the SPN for a specific Server object in AD. This also checks for duplicate Read more [...]
On the Windows 10 Lock Screen, you can have either a picture or a slide show. If you would like to have a solid background, there is no option for this.
Here is what you need to do:
Click on the Start Menu and then type
lock screen
Choose "Lock screen settings"
Make sure that under "Background" you have chosen "Picture"
Under the pictures, choose "Browse"
Browse to C: > Windows > Web > Screen
Choose the blue solid picture (this is called "img105.jpg" on my machine).
Click Read more [...]
After I had done some changes in Windows 10 to make it faster and less "chatty" to Microsoft (switch off Telemetry, switch off error reporting etc.) I could not use search any more. Symptoms were:
Can't type into Cortana search field
Can't type to search in Start Menu
Can't type to search in Win 10 App Store
Can't type in taskbar search
Can't type in Settings search
There are lots people with the same or similar issues as can be seen from a simple Internet search "win 10 taskbar Read more [...]
I had an iPad that was bricked and i brought it into Recovery Mode to Factory Reset it:
Disconnect the USB cable from your iPad, but leave the other side connected to your Mac or PC
Launch iTunes
Press and hold down the Home and Sleep/Power button on the top of the iPad to turn off the iPad
Press and continue to hold the Home button while you reconnect the USB cable to your iPhone, this will cause the iPad to turn on
Continue to hold the Home button until an alert message in iTunes Read more [...]
In Internet Explorer, I found that my favorites list loads slowly and when I hover over it with the mouse, the mouse pointer is hanging and jumpy.
I have redirected my favorites to a network folder, so I can have the same favorites on all my Windows machines. The problem does not occur if my favorites are kept on a local drive (but that is not a solution for me).
What helped and made the favorites list (and the favorites bar) quick and snappy again was the following:
Open File Explorer Read more [...]
Windows 10 comes with a search icon (a magnifying glass) in the taskbar. If you don't use that (as you can search by clicking on the Windows (Start Menu) icon), you can get rid of it as follows:
Right-click on a free spot in the taskbar.
Hover over "Cortana" and the click "Hidden".
That's it.
If you have disabled Cortana, the menu sequence is "Search" > "Hidden".
In environments where you have a Microsoft PKI Infrastructure (AD CA) setup, you can create new certificates via web enrolment:
This is straight forward for single-name certificates. If you wish to have multiple names for a certificate (Subject Alternative Names = SAN), you need a certain syntax in the "Atrributes" field of the web page:
You can add as many names as you want, separated by "&".
Important: Read more [...]
Many companies have a policy that require their users to change their passwords regularly (e.g. every 90 days). In Active Directory, this is normally enforced via Group Policy.
This works well, but can be problematic if the user is out of the office while the password expires. An example: If he or she is using a mobile phone to access company emails via ActiveSync, the access will be blocked once the password has expired. ActiveSync does not support password changes, so the user has no way to Read more [...]
I recently wanted to uninstall SQL Server 2008 R2 completely after I have upgraded to SQL Server 2014. The uninstall of the
"SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup Support Files"
did not work and produced the error:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup Support Files cannot be uninstalled because the following products are installed:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RsFx Driver
Strangely, the "Add/Remove Programs" section did not list the "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RsFx Driver". To uninstall this "hidden" Read more [...]
On a workgroup computer that's running Windows 7/8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2/2012 R2, the Windows Time service stops immediately after system startup. This issue occurs even after the Startup Type is changed from Manual to Automatic. Additionally, the following event is logged in the System log:
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Event ID: 7036
Level: Information
The Windows Time service entered the running state.
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Event ID: Read more [...]