When upgrading the Sharepoint Server Farm with Security Patch MS13-024, the upgrade went fine on the first server in the farm, but on the second server, the "Sharepoint Products and Configuration Wizard" was displaying:
Server Farm Product and Patch Status
Security Update for Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation 2010 (KB2687418) 64-Bit Edition (14.0.6134.5001) ==> Missing on <localhost>
Error: Some farm products and patches were not detected on this or other servers. If products or patches are missing locally, you must quit this program and install the required products and patches on this server before restarting this wizard.
I have checked if the security update was installed and it was there. Trying to install it again resulted in "The update is already installed". I also restarted the box, but the same "Missing on <localhost>" error came up again.
The problem is that a timerjob, that would signal to the server farm that the patch is installed, is not triggered. To trigger it, run
Get-SPProduct -local
in Sharepoint Powershell. Then run the "Sharepoint Products and Configuration Wizard" again, it should work now.
If it still does not work, use the following command line to upgrade the server (start cmd as Administrator):
psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd -installcheck -noinstallcheck
This completed successfully without errors.