If you have clicked on a Symbolic Link (SymLink) in Windows and got the following error message:
"The symbolic link cannot be followed, because its type is disabled"
You can check what SymLink Types are allowed by using the following command:
fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation
If you need to change this, so you don't get the error, you can run:
fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation R2R:1 R2L:1
With the onboard tools of Windows, you can only create symbolic links with the command line (unless you download some third-party GUI tool). The syntax is as follows:
mklink /D "c:\inetpub\External" "\\server\share"
This will create a folder c:\inetpub\External and it will point to a share on a server. You can delete c:\inetpub\External via normal File Explorer, it will only delete the Symbolic Link, not the destination share.
My experience with servers, networks and gadgets.