Kerio Connect: Use it with free "Let's Encrypt" Certificates on IIS

"Let's Encrypt" is an organisation that provides SSL certificates for free in an automated way. While the use is simple on IIS or Apache web servers, on Kerio Connect it is a bit more complicated as it comes with its own web server. Here is how I set it up (there might be other ways, of course, please feel free to add your comments at the bottom of the page). First, download "letsencrypt-win-simple" from This tool simplifies and automates Read more [...]

Outlook: Disable Auto-Complete of your own Name

Outlook has an editor feature that suggests to insert your full name whenever you start typing your first name. This is really annoying because you might want to use only your first name for signing off your emails (i.e. "Regards, John", instead of "Regards, John Doe"). You can switch it off, but not in the auto-correct or auto-format options, as you might have expected. Outlook has hidden it under "Quick Parts" and "Building Blocks". Here is how to disable this annoying feature: Create a Read more [...]